I'm not sure what to write this about. I mean a lot has happened since my last post. It's just so hard to target one specific thing to write about. I have so many thoughts and experiences floating around in my head. I think I should start with the most important.
This past Saturday I lead two young men's Bible studies. One at noon and one in the afternoon. The first one went on as planned. But the afternoon study didn't go as planned. I had a lesson planned out, but God always has a way of changing my plans. Only one guy showed up for my evening Bible study. As I was cracking my Bible open the young guy confronted me with something.
"My brother has been correcting me for not respecting buddhism. My family has been asking me about my religion. They don't know I'm Christian and I'm afraid to tell them."
That's when I closed my Bible to listen to his story. He told me about how his friends have been rebuking him for his Christianity. They have been telling him that Christianity is bad and that he should turn back to buddhism. He is absolutely terrified to tell his parents. He doesn't want to disappoint them and really isn't sure how they'll react. His family has been questioning his loyalty to buddha because apparently they can tell that he has shied away from the religion. He has been so confused. He is a new Christian and is still learning a lot.
I read scripture to him. I told him that Christ warned us about persecution. We had a long discussion and in the end I feel he walked away with clarification. It will be hard for him, but I have no doubt that this is only a bump in the road for him. The thing that really got to me was that here I was coaching him on what Christ says to do, but I felt I had no business telling him this. I know that it was my duty to inform him, but I have never faced any real persecution as a Christian. I was raised in a Christian home. Most of my close friends have all been Christian and those who weren't Christian never gave me heck about being Christian. I have never been rebuked, scorned, or ill treated for being Christian. If Christ warned that his followers would face persecution, why haven't I? Honestly, after I spoke with this young guy I became angry. I became angry with myself. I wanted to be able to give this kid advice from first hand experience. In the same situation, how would I react? It's easy to say I would never deny Christ, but in a very real situation, would I stick to my guns? Peter said he would never deny Christ, but before the rooster crowed he denied Christ thrice. I pray that when I am faced with that very real situation, I will have strength to stand for truth. I pray that you will too. It's easy to talk to the talk, but when looking in the eyes of rebuking loved ones, facing an angry crowd, or looking down the barrel of a gun, will you have the guts to stand for Christ?
Think about it.
Sep 27, 2009
Persecution in Paradise
Posted by Jeff Young at 12:40 PM 2 comments
Sep 18, 2009
I still feel dirty
If you don't know about the Tonle Sap, well you need to know that the lake is used for everything. The locals use it for bathing, washing clothes, cooking food, personal sewage, and not to mention drinking. Ask anyone who's been there, this water is NASTY.
Posted by Jeff Young at 2:25 PM 1 comments
Sep 16, 2009
Crocodile Rock
I apologize for not writing in a while.
Posted by Jeff Young at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Sep 3, 2009
Rubber balls!
Posted by Jeff Young at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Aug 28, 2009
Trek the mountain
Posted by Jeff Young at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Aug 23, 2009
Sick but not broken
Posted by Jeff Young at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Aug 12, 2009
A good start
We had to move the school boat. The water level keeps rising and if we had left it much longer then the kids wouldn't have been able to get to the school. Last Monday, you couldn't get to the boat without having to wade through water. The moto driver stopped just in front of 40 yards of nasty Tonle Sap water. The only way I was going to be able to teach that day was if I waded. There was no other way around it. Wade or go home. So I embarked into the dark waters. As I got about knee high in the water I thought: God if you ever wanted to give me the ability to walk on water, now would have been the time. I made it across and started class with a Bible story.
Posted by Jeff Young at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Aug 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa

Posted by Jeff Young at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Aug 5, 2009
They know an idol, but they don't know MY God.
Posted by Jeff Young at 10:48 AM 1 comments
Aug 3, 2009
The floating village
Posted by Jeff Young at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Jul 30, 2009
Posted by Jeff Young at 5:31 AM 0 comments
Jul 26, 2009
The love that swells
These are the times of my life I will never forget. When I'm with these children I see absolute purity. Being around the kids is so uplifting and heart warming. They make me forget about all my problems and whatever troubles I had in the past. They take me back to my own childhood, when life was so simple. A child's view on altruism is so easy. I envy and miss seeing through the eyes of a child. Seeing their bright and smiling faces reminds me of why I came here. It's hard because I know that one day I'll have to leave them. For now, I will do what I can to better their lives while I'm here.
Posted by Jeff Young at 2:39 PM 1 comments
The Blood Bank
Posted by Jeff Young at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Jul 25, 2009
God will forever guide me
I woke up this morning and I knew there was something different about today. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew that God had something in store for me today. The first thought that popped into my head when I woke up was it's time for an adventure. Adventure compels me. It is the passion that drives me. I use this passion for God's glory. What greater adventure is there in life than serving the creator of the universe? It is the highest honor that can be bestowed.
Isaiah 43:2-3
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior
Posted by Jeff Young at 3:59 AM 2 comments