I woke up this morning and I knew there was something different about today. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew that God had something in store for me today. The first thought that popped into my head when I woke up was it's time for an adventure. Adventure compels me. It is the passion that drives me. I use this passion for God's glory. What greater adventure is there in life than serving the creator of the universe? It is the highest honor that can be bestowed.
I threw the covers off and took a hot shower. I made my way onto the balcony to greet the sun and the day that was before me. I grabbed my things and layed my map across the table. I was going to explore Angkor Wat Temple today. I had been there twice before, but it was with a group. The times I had visited the temple before seemed more like touring an exhibit than exploring ancient ruins. I had heard a rumor that after 5 p.m. people are allowed to enter
the temple for free. So I started on my journey late in the afternoon around 5-ish. I grabbed some batteries for my camera, jumped on my bike, and started on my journey down the road.
After about 10 minutes I reached the first checkpoint where some policemen flagged me down. I pulled over and spoke with a representative of the temples. He told me I had to pay twenty dollars to get in. I didn't want to pay twenty bucks, so I turned around. As I was leaving another representative caught up to me. He told me that after 5:30 I could go inside the temples. He let me through and I started back on my journey. While riding my bike I saw some monkeys...
...And there was this one with a massive gash on its nose. I could see right into its nostril.
I gave them some beef jerky, but they didn't like it. They took it right out of my hands, sniffed it, then threw it on the ground. That made me laugh. It was getting late and if I didn't get moving I wasn't going to make it to the temple in time. I jumped on my bike and went on my way. There were some local boys swimming in the pond nearby. They were all having a great time so I wanted to get their picture.

Finally around 5:45 I made it to Angkor Wat temple. I got some great pictures.

What I didn't realize was at 6 they make everyone leave the temple. Well... I wasn't ready to leave. So, I snuck past some of the guards so I could look inside. It was surprisingly quiet compared to the middle of the day when all the tourists are filing in and out.

Then a police officer spotted me. He stood up and started walking over to me. I smiled and waved... then turned and took off running. I didn't know what he would do or say and I wasn't going to stick around to find out (the cops are corrupt). I made it out of the temple without getting caught. There was a path that led through the jungle back to the entrance. I needed to hurry because it was getting dark and I had to ride my bicycle back to where I live. As I was walking down the path I heard loud chanting. The chanting compelled me. I walked toward the chanting. The further I walked the louder the chanting got. Finally I reached the source of the chanting. It was coming from a modern buddhist pagoda. The pagoda had all kinds of pictures all over it.

I don't know exactly what this picture means, but it is very odd. I looked inside the building and there were many buddhist monks on their knees worshipping a 10 foot tall idol. I took my shoes off and stepped inside. When I entered the room the monks stopped their chants and turned all their attention to me. I just smiled. The head monk looked at me and said "Where are you from?" I replied "U.S.A." They started a conversation with me. We talked about many things, what my job is, why I was in Cambodia, who I was. The leader said they were all wanting to learn English. I offered my services to them. I told them I could teach them two days a week for one hour. They were so happy and excited. I feel this was the purpose to my whole day. God led me here... to this place... where these men are condemned. Christ led me here to shine my light.
I left them with a smile and a wave. I told them I would return soon. I jumped on my bike and returned to Common Grounds Coffee Shop (the place I live).
Today was one of those day where I could feel the presence of God. I just knew he was leading me today. It will be so strange teaching these monks English. I am a follower of Christ and they are buddhist monks. They are the elite of their religion. Yet, somehow, Christ led me to them so that I may teach them. What a wonderful, wise, and powerful God I have. I am still amazed at his wonders. The way he moves is so mysterious and wonderful. It seems the world has a view that God created the world and then took a step back to watch from afar. I don't view God this way. God is all around us. He is in the very air we breathe. He lives in and among us. He isn't somewhere way out in space watching the world through a magnifying glass. God is here. He motivates us. He guides us. He gives us passion. He compels us. He mystifies us. He teaches us day by day. He moves us. He gives us wisdom. He gives us hope. He shows us justice. He is the energy that flows through us. He gives us strength and courage. He leads us through every battle. He is our everything, if we allow Him to be. All you have to do is keep you heart open to him. I, more than anyone, had a problem with wanting to do things on my own steam. I didn't want to feel like I was using Christ as a crutch. But I have learned that He is so much more than a crutch. He is the well of energy from where I draw my strength. He isn't a God who is watching you from a far off place. He is a God who is with you always. He is there with you now. Wherever you are, He is there in that very room. I will thank God everyday for what he has given me. Through him there is no enemy that can come against me. No darkness will ever prosper over the light that dwells within me.
Isaiah 43:2-3
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior
Jeff - this is an awesome story of your day and how God is working in you and through you - and guiding you. I'm so glad you've learned to listen to that still small voice - we know who that voice comes from, don't we? We're praying for you! Sheri, Brian and Nickolas
hey bro :) i didnt have the time to read it all, but what i read was really cool. u r a great bro! have a great time in cambodia!
greetings :)
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