I'm not sure what to write this about. I mean a lot has happened since my last post. It's just so hard to target one specific thing to write about. I have so many thoughts and experiences floating around in my head. I think I should start with the most important.
This past Saturday I lead two young men's Bible studies. One at noon and one in the afternoon. The first one went on as planned. But the afternoon study didn't go as planned. I had a lesson planned out, but God always has a way of changing my plans. Only one guy showed up for my evening Bible study. As I was cracking my Bible open the young guy confronted me with something.
"My brother has been correcting me for not respecting buddhism. My family has been asking me about my religion. They don't know I'm Christian and I'm afraid to tell them."
That's when I closed my Bible to listen to his story. He told me about how his friends have been rebuking him for his Christianity. They have been telling him that Christianity is bad and that he should turn back to buddhism. He is absolutely terrified to tell his parents. He doesn't want to disappoint them and really isn't sure how they'll react. His family has been questioning his loyalty to buddha because apparently they can tell that he has shied away from the religion. He has been so confused. He is a new Christian and is still learning a lot.
I read scripture to him. I told him that Christ warned us about persecution. We had a long discussion and in the end I feel he walked away with clarification. It will be hard for him, but I have no doubt that this is only a bump in the road for him. The thing that really got to me was that here I was coaching him on what Christ says to do, but I felt I had no business telling him this. I know that it was my duty to inform him, but I have never faced any real persecution as a Christian. I was raised in a Christian home. Most of my close friends have all been Christian and those who weren't Christian never gave me heck about being Christian. I have never been rebuked, scorned, or ill treated for being Christian. If Christ warned that his followers would face persecution, why haven't I? Honestly, after I spoke with this young guy I became angry. I became angry with myself. I wanted to be able to give this kid advice from first hand experience. In the same situation, how would I react? It's easy to say I would never deny Christ, but in a very real situation, would I stick to my guns? Peter said he would never deny Christ, but before the rooster crowed he denied Christ thrice. I pray that when I am faced with that very real situation, I will have strength to stand for truth. I pray that you will too. It's easy to talk to the talk, but when looking in the eyes of rebuking loved ones, facing an angry crowd, or looking down the barrel of a gun, will you have the guts to stand for Christ?
Think about it.
Sep 27, 2009
Persecution in Paradise
Posted by Jeff Young at 12:40 PM
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Good word Jeff. I think the reason none of us face persecution is because none of us truly take our christianity beyond comfortable faith. In fact, if you talk to most christians, and they answered honestly, they have probably spoken persecuting words about people who have taken their faith to a higher level. Think about all the people you saw in school or at Walmart with uncomfortably long hair, or uncomfortably long skirts, or uncomfortably Christlike behavior. Even "Christians" treat them like outcasts because they don't fit in. The hypocracy of the whole thing is that we treat them poorly because, in many cases, they hold a higher standard than us. I don't believe that we avoid persecution because we are in America, or because we are raised in a christian home, or because we surround ourselves with christian friends. I think we don't get persecuted because we don't do enough to be recognized as Christians. Just a thought
Jeff, this is a good work and great observation. When you held the Word to the Young man's eyes, you did what you were supposed to do. It isn't our experiences, (necessarily) that give people hope. It is God's word that said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee", (Hebrews)
When I read of martyrs - even Stephen - The spirit of the Lord seemed to take them from their Body and the beatings, burnings, or whatever was felt only in the beginning and then, and then, they were taken into Jesus bosom. Flesh never wants to experience pain. Even Jesus said, "my flesh is weak," and because He knew how our flesh came from dust, he gave us many accounts as to martyrs who died for their faith.
Anyway, thanks for all you are doing, and the lives you are touching. No you haven't had time to experience - everything - but for what is lacking in experience, the Lord will give you in anointing and faith!
Doris Thompson
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